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Writer's pictureBMHequip

Gyratory crushers: Is it better than a jaw crusher?

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

Gyratory crushers are a bit complicated compared to jaw crushers, but are definitely superior when it comes to amount of vibration generated, continuous operation time and stability, and finally the size and shape of the discharge. The discharge material size is comparitively uniform as compared to jaw crusher.

Gyratory crushers are often the primary crushing equipment owing to their ability to handle large feed. The material can directly be fed without a feeder. The primary stage is the optimum place for a gyratory crusher in the circuit as it can easily handle coarse feed of various hard materials(RQD of more than 75%).

A gyratory crusher consumes about a third of what a jaw crusher consumes because of the jaw crusher's discontinuous impact cushing.

But compared to a jaw crusher, the operation and maintenance of cost a gyratory crusher are very high. The gyratory crusher is very heavy for the same capacity of feed as a jaw crusher, and thus is no way portable. Unlike a jaw crusher, a gyratory crusher cannot handle viscous or high moisture content feed.

All things considered, if the feed is moderate and one single crusher is needed, the jaw crusher is the ideal choice, but if the feed is such that a second crusher might be a reuirement, then its definitely a smart choice to replace all the jaw crushers with a gyratory crusher.

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