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Writer's pictureBMHequip

Blast furnace: what & how?

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

From etymological point of view, Blast refers to the combustion air being "forced" or supplied above atmospheric pressure, for the combustion of a combination of materials to obtain, generally pig iron, but also other materials such as lead or copper. For steel making, a B-F serves as a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting raw or pre-processed material into industry grade iron which is further processed to produce steel. The carbon content during the post processing renders the steel in to its different kinds.

The additives; coal(fuel), Iron ore, sinter and flux(lime & dolomite) are continuously added from the top while a blast of hot air(enriched with oxygen) is supplied from the bottom using tuyeres, to provide a homogenous temperature throughout. The out put materials are motel metal and slag(which later needs forced cool down). According to Global Energy Monitor, the blast furnace is likely to become obsolete to meet climate change objectives of reducing carbon dioxide emission and DRI(direct reduced iron) plants are highly likely to take the place.

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